Virtual Connection is able to transform your storefront window into an interactive, permanent, and very effective method of promotion and communication, with a new user-friendly multimedia interface, that is able to detect human touches through any storefront window glass.
Virtual Connection opens up a new market, by providing the tools to transform traditional storefront windows into spectacular centers of attention and points of sale.
There are thousands of retail businesses for which window displays are a primary possibility of product presentation, advertising and promotion.

Virtual Connection's interactive touch foil can be combined with one of our rear projections foils or LCD displays. A rear projection foil is mounted, in combination of the touch foil, to the inside of shop window.The projected image on the projection foil can be seen from the outside. By the touch foil, the projection foil becomes interactive. In this way it is possible for the passer-by to interact with the shop window.
This is just one of the many options that are possible with our through glass interactive touch foil